Our Solution


Social impact through conscious hiring.

Introducing yojob, a platform to share real and sustainable opportunities for productivity with people from countries in critical economic situation. An open window to the world for the resilient, hard-working and entrepreneurial, so they can sustain themselves, their families and community in such difficult times.

Our platform connects conscious employers with vetted professionals in a reliable manner, through a trustworthy validation system, a dependable blockchain-based secure and effective payment system, and a self-regulated network that promotes quality and improves the referral networks for talent recruitment.

Are you looking for a job?


Key Features

For its initial release, yojob will focus its four main features on Venezuela:

  1. Profile-based professional platform: will allow freelancers, professionals and workers from troubled economies to offer their services worldwide; and employers to hire workers for all kinds of remote jobs, either as per-project contractors, fixed-term or permanent employees.

  2. NO MORE RESUMES, Skill-based Reputation System: requiring mutual verification through completed-job confirmations for the parties involved, affecting each other as a result of individual performance and authority. This generates a reputation system that validates the curriculum of the worker.

  3. Payment platform for workers and employers: Access to a safe, versatile and frictionless international payment method, especially designed for a troubled economy’s special circumstances.

  4. Referral system: jobers can refer users for jobs and projects, or companies can request referred profiles. We created an incentive-based referral system to promote remote work.

Are looking to hire someone?



Yojob users sign up through an online one-size-fits-all form that allows them to become a JOBER. 

A jober interacts within the platform creating value either by offering services or by hiring others. jobers validate one another, can refer workers to employers and vice-versa and are the engine of our movement for the empowerment and independence of people through work.

In order to accept a job, a jober must be connected to another one, to validate their skills; however, connections affect each other’s reputations based on their performance and service on the platform. 

Jobers will be ranked in accordance to their achievements (works completed and successful work relations established), and by their positive input and collaboration within the platform, while some of them, directly creating a positive impact in it, will be designated as Yojob Organizers.

Want to refer someone for a job?